
Statutes and Rules of Procedure

Here you can find the most important information about the legal basis of the Fachschafts' Council and its work, as well as our own statutes and bylaws. Sadly all this regulations only exist in German.

Statutes and Bylaws of the Fachschafts' Council

The statutes of the physics/astronomy Fachschaft are the basis for the work and organisation of the Fachschafts' Council, insofar as this is not prescribed by higher regulations. The current version was adopted by the FSV on 10 May 2022 and became effective on 16 May 2022.

The Student Association Representatives (FSV) adopted rules of procedure on 26 February 2016. The GO-FSV sets out the most important rules for the conduct of a FSV meeting and the taking of minutes.

The Fachschafts' Council (FSR) adopted rules of procedure on 02 February 2016, which were last amended on 21 June 2022. The GO-FSR, like the GO-FSV, defines the most important rules for a FSR meeting.

On the Student Parliament page, all resolutions are announced and the latest versions are maintained:

All documents are also available for download (FSV-GO is still being prepared).

Higher statutes and regulations

According to §56 of the Higher Education Act of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (HG), the student body of an university can be divided into student councils. The exact structure is not specified here and thus differs from university to university, but must be regulated in the respective statutes of the student body (SdS).
The SdS lays the foundation for the organisation of the student councils at the University of Bonn and also establishes the basics of the self-management funds. The Budgetary and Economic Management Ordinance of the Student Bodies of North Rhine-Westphalia (HWVO) lays down the basis for how the student body deals with the self-management funds, which is also the most important basis of the student council finances.

The SdS is decided and amended by the student parliament, but the student council conference also has a direct influence on student council work through the rules of procedure for the student council conference (FKGO) or the student council election rules (FSWO), for example by determining the ability to disburse student council funds or the rules for elections to student council representatives or the student councils (see below).

Other important documents


Rules of procedure for the student council conference. Important basics on disbursements of finances and student council membership.


Student council election regulations. Foundations for the elections of the student councils. Establishes the principles and provides rules for the conduct and auditing of elections.


Rules of procedure of the mat-nat student council conference. Governs the work of the Mat-Nat-FK and in particular the nomination of committee representatives.

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