First Semester Information
Dear future first semester students, dear people interested in studying physics,
We are glad that you are interested in studying physics at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn - or even that you have already decided to do so.
On your way through the study of physics, we, the Fachschaft Physik/Astronomie, support you where we can and try to answer all your questions as best as possible.
In contrast to other universities, the registration for exams and the registration for modules in physics is very student-friendly. As a rule, you do not have to register for any exams or courses before the semester starts! Normally you can just sit in the first lecture where everything else will be clarified. This semester you should register for the corresponding courses in eCampus shortly before the lectures start.
In the orientation week we will go through everything you need to do together with you. However, in order to be able to study physics at all, you must of course enroll in the Bachelor of Science Physics, whereby physics is once again (as of 2022) admission-free. The most important information about this can be found here3.
The best way to start your studies is to make use of the offers of the university and our Fachschafts' council listed below.
Start of study winter semester 2024/25
Preparatory course Physics
The preparatory course always consists of a lecture and an exercise. In the lecture you will be introduced to the material and in the exercises you can deepen the material together with the tutors by means of exercises.
This will give you an idea of what everyday life will be like during your bachelor's degree, since most modules in physics also consist of lectures and exercises. The preliminary course is voluntary and not a mandatory requirement for the start of your studies, but we still advise you to take advantage of this offer.
Orientation week
The orientation week, or OE for short, offers the opportunity every year to get to know other first-semester students, the university and the student council. It also brings together all the information you need for a successful start to your studies.This year the OE will take place from 30.09.-04.10.2024
We have a full program again with info lectures, lab tours, a student council meeting and great game and quiz shows.
Like the pre-course, the OE is not a required course, but with an orientation week...
...studying is at least 137% better.
- Henry
If you have any questions about an event or similar, please feel free to ask us (on Discord, by mail, or in person!).
Schedule for the orientation week
Ersti-Info (German only)
In this magazine we want to give you an insight into the physics studies here at the University of Bonn and also a few tips about studying and living at and around the university.
Best of Gameshow WS 2020/21
In the winter semester 2020/21, we organized a game show online as part of the orientation w (OE). We have recorded this and edited a small best-of (in german) from it, which should give you a small taste of the OE and make you want to attend the events.
Best of Quiz-Show WS 2020/2021
Bild © Vasco Silver
Contact to the Fachschafts' council
If you want to reach us you have many possibilities. You can always reach us by email, but we can also be reached via our Discord server. Furthermore, you can always contact us, no matter if you are in the Fachschafts' council room10 or if we are sitting with you in a lecture or if you run into us on campus: Always feel free to talk to us. We always have an open ear and are happy to answer your questions.
Although email is usually no longer the tool of choice in the everyday lives of many young people, it is becoming important again at university. Every Uni-ID has a corresponding e-mail address and therefore e-mail is a good tool to reach all students.
Also to reach the institutions within the university, e.g. the Fachschafts' council, email is a good communication tool. So don't be afraid to write us if you have questions or problems concerning your studies.
We as a student council have a Discord server on which the communication has been going on for two years now.
There we have set up different channels where you can communicate with us. Come and have a look.
During the pre-course we will also drop by and answer your questions. There you can also get the link to the Discord server. Otherwise just ask for it via mail.
In the Fachschafts' council room there is the so-called attendance service (AWD). During our AWD times, there is always a person in the Fachschafts' council room who is available to answer your questions. But also at other times there is usually a person in the FS room who can help you with your questions or problems.
You can also find some of our offers, like printer, coffee or BKV. You can also stay to do some tasks or similar. Stop by and have a look!
Yes and no. The module plan is first of all a recommendation in which order the modules can be heard meaningfully, since some courses build on the knowledge of others. Some modules have concrete prerequisites. For example:
For the lab courses you have to take part in the exams of the Experimental Physics courses on which the lab courses are based. So for lab 2 you have to have written the exam Experimental Physics 2. The only exception is lab 1, which has no requirements.
For the oral overview exams you have to have passed the modules that are being examined in the exam.
You get access to eduroam via the university. You can find out how to set this up here12. The advantage of eduroam is that you can get WiFi access at any university.
Sometimes it is necessary to be connected to the university network while you are not at the university. To connect your computer to the university network, you can use a VPN. You can find out how to set this up here13.
Unfortunately, there is no single card for everything at the University of Bonn. There is:
- Your student ID. This identifies you as a student and includes the NRW ticket for the public transport system. It is valid only in conjunction with your ID card /passport or similar. You will receive it after enrollment (when you have paid the semester fee).
- You need the MensaCard to be able to pay in the Mensa. Nowadays you can also print in the university library with the MensaCard. You can get the MensaCard in the Mensas (e.g. CAMPO Mensa Poppelsdorf) after showing your student ID and paying a deposit.
- Library card: In order to work in the library and to borrow books you need a library card. You can register for a library card online14.
- Copy card: This is an internal card of the Fachschafts' council, with which you can print and copy in the Fachschafts' council room free of charge. You can get it for a deposit in the Fachschafts' council room, just talk to us.
- c.t.: means that the event starts 15 min. after the stated hour (10 c.t. = 10:15).
- s.t.: means you have to be on time, because the event starts at the given time (10 s.t. = 10 o'clock = 10:00)
The meetings usually take place on Tuesdays at 18:30. In online mode you can find us on our Discord server and in presence in seminar room 1 of the HISKP. Every student of our department can participate in the FSR meetings, you don't need any previous knowledge, nor a contribution or agenda item. But if you want to present something or ask a question, we always have an open ear for you at the meetings.
The Fachschafts' council room is the place to go if you are looking for Fachschafts' council members. You can find us at the
Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik (HISKP): Room 0.027
Nussallee 14-16,
53115 Bonn
More information about the Fachschafts' council room can be found here15.
Two different math modules are offered in the Physics B.Sc. program: Mathematics for Physicists and Mathematics for Mathematicians (Analysis + Linear Algebra). As the names suggest, the first is a module that prepares students for the application of mathematics in physics and the second is a module that is completely dedicated to mathematics. Although the topics covered are largely congruent, the methods and structures of the modules are very different.
It is recommended to register for the respective courses via eCampus, as this is the easiest way to get information and contents of the course. In many cases, the assignment to the exercise groups also takes place there. In the department of physics/astronomy, only the registration for examinations and course work (e.g. lab courses) is done via BASIS, which is a condition for participation in the respective event. The BASIS registrations also have deadlines16 that should be observed.
Important links
We would like to recommend the following links, where you can find all kinds of information relevant to your studies.
Examination Office
The examination regulations and current changes can be found on the following page, which remains important throughout the course of study:
Course Catalogue
The course catalog of the physics/astronomy department can be found on BASIS:
Academic calendar
The official academic calendar with general dates relevant to your studies can be found on the website of the University of Bonn:
Study compass
On the following page, the university gives you some information about starting your studies at the University of Bonn. Here you can also find a PDF of the Study Compass with helpful information.