
Regular's table (Stammtisch)

In Germany, a Stammtisch is an informal social gathering, usually at a pub or similar. Our Stammtisch takes place in the HISKP.
Monthly, we organise interesting talks (more or less related to physics), Powerpoint-Karaoke, Quizzes or similiar games. It's a relaxed atmosphere with snacks and drinks provided.
Anyone can give a talk, for example for a seminar, thesis, or simply something completely different. While most are physics related, an unrelated topic of choice is also an option. As mentioned above, Powerpoint-Karaoke or a pub quiz are also a good fit.
Program for the current semester
Regular's table: Vietnamese: Does dad work in the crotch?1
07:00 PM
In this lecture you will get an interactive insight into the Vietnamese language and have fun “experiencing” Vietnamese yourself. Come along, it will be ...
Regular's table: 2 hours about why I'm better than DB!2
07:00 PM
Henry the locomotive gives another 2-hour talk about DB (Deutsche Bahn) and why he is better than them.
Regular's table: three professional idiots'-questionable lectures3
07:00 PM
What happens on a journey to the stars? What do gorillas have to do with supercomputers? And how can you combine relocations and length contraction? In their ...
Regular's table: topic to be announced4
07:00 PM

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

You can talk to the people responsible (see below5) and sort out the details with them.

The choice of topic is quite flexible. You could for example practice your talk for the seminar, or for your thesis, or simply give a talk about a topic you are interested in. It is always nice to include the audience or do a practical part, but this is not necessary.

Everyone who is interested in a talk and a relaxing evening together with some nice physics students.

Currently, the ragular's table usually takes place on the fourth Thursday of every month during the lecture period. The specific dates with possible deviations will be announced here6.

Contact and Organisation

The Stammtisch Department is responsible for the organisation and realisation of the Stammtisch. You can talk to them directly or write them an email if you have any questions or want to give a talk yourself.

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