In this lecture you will get an interactive insight into the Vietnamese language and have fun “experiencing” Vietnamese yourself. Come along, it will be ...
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Regular's Table
Henry the locomotive gives another 2-hour talk about DB (Deutsche Bahn) and why he is better than them.
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Regular's Table
What happens on a journey to the stars? What do gorillas have to do with supercomputers? And how can you combine relocations and length contraction? In their ...
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Regular's Table
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Regular's Table
Die wichtigsten und am häufigsten gestellten Fragen zur Fachschaft, zum Studium und dem Schafsleben im allgemeienen
Next week, Friday 18 October, is the Fachschafts' cocktail evening! 🍹 Of course, as always, our offers are reasonably priced 😉 So come along, we look ...
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Next Friday is our summer cocktail evening! - You can look forward to refreshing drinks at HISKP ☀️⛱️ There will also be a DJ 🎶 And of course, as always, our ...
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